Category Archives: Allgemein

Excursion to Torgau

As part of a three-day retreat organized by the FINEST Research School, the doctoral students of the FINEST project were guests in Torgau. The international team's research projects are dedicated to the recycling of dusty industrial waste, including microplastics, mineral additives and metal-containing dusts. The program included two industry excursions to AVANCIS GmbH and Saint-Gobain [...]

Satellites Update

After the defenses of the satellite proposals the groups of Fanziska Lederer, and Dieter Stapf have enter the next level, and have been chosen for the full proposal in the satellite call of the HGF Sustainability Challenge. Congratulations!

Satellite Proposals

The consortium of FINEST agreed to support three proposals from the partners' themselves for the satellite call of the HGF Sustainability Challenge. From each sub-project one idea was developed, and the sub-project leaders assessed all of them to be competitive in their quarterly meeting.

First Article

Gert Weber, PI of FINEST from HZB, has co-authored an article on "Assessment of Four Engineered PET Degrading Enzymes Considering Large-Scale Industrial Applications" The article is available as an open access publication under: DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c02922. Congratulations!

First PhD’s

The first PhD students of the FINEST project have started in January 2023 at UFZ. Welcome Noelia Fernandez Merayo, Stefanie Clauß, and Simone Bertoldi. The next postgraduate students are to follow in February and March at HZDR and HZB.