Prof. Dr. Dieter Stapf
Tel.: +49 (0)
Goal: Achieve resilient high-quality recycling of waste plastics with simultaneous utilisation of finest mineral additives and immobilisation of all components that are harmful to the environment or humans through process chains, that are optimised for the most relevant additives. By taking the ever-increasing additive content in plastics into account and combining the recycling of minerals and plas-tics, the TRL of the overall process will be raised.
Necessary competencies: Data collection (information, logistics, sensoring), processing (sorting (at demolition site or onsite), coupling of material streams (analytics, design, control, quality, safety) between process chains developed in subtopic 1 and 2 of topic 5 MTET, design of products, legal, quality standards, municipal integration. Sampling, identification, and testing of materials for health effects.
Dr. Peter Stemmermann (KIT)
Principal Investigator
Tim Kurtz (KIT)
PhD Candidate
Rafael Bischoff
PhD Candidate
Dr. Margret Fuchs (HZDR/HIF)
Principal Investigator