Partner institutions in FINEST are keen to actually implement their innovative research findings in order to contribute to a more sustainable value chain in waste management. They strive for the following major objectives within the next five years. Major responsibility in pursuing these tangible results is at the central transfer desk at HZDR.
- The continuation of the Research School based on partly acquainted external funds
- Partly covered by newly established strategic partnerships
- Minimum one externally-funded doctoral student per sub-project
- Acquisition of one infrastructure investment in style of a Helmholtz Innovation Lab (HIL)
- Development and design of a MiniHIL
- Minimum of two joint statements or position papers of relevant industry associations
- Addressed to relevant ministries
Overall target is the externally-funded continuation of the FINEST Research School. As most technological readiness will start at mid to low levels and as legal hurdles prevent prompt TRL increase, a second generation of FINEST doctoral students is required. The second generation of doctoral students will drive technologies to higher technological readiness and will give rise to exploitation of new market-shaping policies. Accordingly, the FINEST transfer desk conducts technology marketing to acquire strategic partnerships that result in commitments for joint doctoral studentships in the second period of the FINEST project. One doctoral student per subproject is the envisaged performance indicator.
The publication of minimum two joint statements or position papers with industry associations on regulatory framework is another important goal of the FINEST project. This goal strives to develop a joint opinion with the professional associations and to develop audits at the responsible federal ministries: (a) the newly designed Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action and (b) the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.
Acquired strategic partnerships have to result furthermore in minimum one scientific infrastructure investment in form of a small version of a HIL. HILs act as independent research and development units within the infrastructure of their Helmholtz Centres. They act in finely tuned cooperation with companies and peripheral scientific institutions, such as local universities. FINEST envisages the establishment of a small-scale HIL that acquires dominantly funds from external sources. Such a MiniHIL expands opportunities to test new technologies and reduces the uncertainty for an application in industry. The MiniHIL will be an “enabling space” that brings scientific expertise together with the specific needs of the industry.